good men aren't winning at dating...yet
Watch core videos crafted to guide you from having a healthy internal world, to Godly and effective perspectives, and practical tools to navigate the dating world.
Beyond the core foundations we take 10 minutes or less to answer those topics and questions that we experience in the 21st century.
We don't believe in busywork. Life change requires activation. Your homework will consist of questions to process and challenges to do from your workbook. You're here to date well, not learn theory.
Men need other men. You don’t have to navigate dating alone. Gain connection, camaraderie, and experience from others in our community.
Unpack Each Level
Complete each level to unlock the next.
Great relationships are made from great people becoming greater together. Level One is all about men stepping into their biblical masculine identity, becoming internally fortified and confident, and taking ownership over their life as an individual. When men are whole, they will create a space and place for relationships to flourish and women to be pursued well.
A man knows who he is and what he can give, no matter the situation or season. Without understanding who you are or where your core value comes from, you'll bend and compromise to the situation, relationship, or what's required of you. When we know who we are, whose we are, and what we have to give, we will show up confident and ready to win the relationship.
Men have needs. If we don't realize what these are, we'll end up hijacking our relationships, our career, and our lives looking for value, purpose, identity, comfort, adventure or something else. How do we identify and successfully meet those needs to show up wholehearted and confident?
We've often been told that a man's greatest weakness is passivity. What if things that stall us don't restrain us but they reveal us? Rather than beat ourselves up and "try harder", how do we engage wholeheartedly to unlock ourselves and be free to pursue goodness in all areas of life.
What are the lenses you view the relationship you're trying to build? Level Two is all about understanding these lenses, clearing up unnecessary or unhealthy views, upgrading your mindsets, creating a vision and making a plan for it. Many people have well-meaning aspirations, but don't have a path to get there. We'll help you develop both a vision and roadmap to get there.
What's your origin story? Your early experiences of masculinity, femininity, relationships, sex, and sexuality growing up have shaped your core views. That only stays that way until it's addressed and rewritten. We bring in four different men for our table talk to share how their experiences of pornography, abuse, affairs, homosexuality, neglect, and incarceration influenced their lives and what they did to redirect their futures.
It's not only the man that you are but the relationship that you want to have. What do you look for and how do you create the vision of the relationship you want to go after? How is your single life building towards that vision?
The DNA of successful relationships is trust. If you can successfully build trust at the right pace and place, you can build a relationship that lasts. We lay out how to do that and what the roadmap is that a lasting relationship should take.
How do you do it? Level Three is centered around the practical actions and decisions a man makes while finding and pursuing a woman. What should you be looking for? Where do you the drawn the line with what's okay? How do you know when to go forward and when to break up?
What should be on your list when you start looking for her? Character and chemistry are both important, how and what would be on your negotiables and non-negotiables list? Both matter, as long as they're in the right place.
How far is too far? How does a Godly man balance sexual attraction and passion in the context of a growing relationship? It's important to not just have a goal but have a plan to protect your goals.
Let's get real practical here. What if you're trying to date but can't find anyone? Or you can't seem to move past two dates? How to do you find the people you want to date and move your way through those first dates into a more steady relationship?
Is it time to end this or make the step to forever? We talk about what holds us back from each option. What does it take in me, in her, and in us to know it's time to take the big step towards marriage?
Take 10 videos are situation specific videos helping you learn and conquer different aspects of the dating journey in 10 minutes or less.
Necessary Uncertainty
Accountability for Couples
The Art of Attraction
What Women Want
Attachment Styles
How To Break Up Well
Recovery After Breakup
Healthy Sexuality
Equipping The Fatherless
Owning Your Story
Dating As A Leader
Is Cohabiting Okay?
Long Distance Relationships
What Turns Off Women On A Date
Building Your Team
Overcoming Porn
To All The Nice Guys Finishing Last
Dating After Your B.C. Days
How to Dress In Your Style
The Sex Talk You Never Had
Much More...
- Christian -
- Christian -
- Ivan -
- Anon -
- Anon -
- Jacob -
Moral Revolution has been in the business of helping single and dating men and women live out healthy sexuality for over 13 years. We've worked with thousands of men wanting to improve their relational life. The best guides are the ones who have been there before and are confident in the path that has got them there. With years of singleness, dating, engagement, marriage and walking others through it, teammates Abram & Cole share the journeys and steps they and other men have taken. Plus, we've brought in the best people we know to equip you in the topics needed most.
Abram Goff is wired to help men become men and win in relationships. His passion is to see people across the nations extravagantly fall in love with Jesus and walk in passion, purity, and purpose. He spent his teens and 20s navigating life, the nations, and relationships before meeting his wife in Switzerland - his Swiss Misses. - in his 30's. His friends call him the "real life hitch" because he's all about helping people navigate and be successful in dating. From big picture thinking to practical steps, he wants to help you win the girl. His ultimate goal is to raise a generation of men who will display the kindness and courage of true masculinity.
Cole Zick is passionate about seeing the church come together to be effective and thrive in every area of life. He and his wife Caitlin currently serve as directors of Moral Revolution in Redding, California. With 15+ years of marriage and ministry experience, they openly share their story and first years of sex in marriage hoping to start a healthy conversation and ultimately see others find freedom through their experience. They also created four children in five years, which gives insight into their love for chaos.
Loving On Purpose
BraveCo Founder
Point Blank International
Author "Singled Out In A Couples World"
DALTE Founder
Whole Man Project
Get access to 10 core sessions that have been crafted from years of experience of helping men get healthy, step into their masculinity, find and win the woman of their dreams.
Beyond the foundations, we need more guidance in specific situations we find ourself in. Find your area in these "Take 10" videos.
How do you take key concepts and put them into practice? Your core session homework will challenge you and help you put the rubber to the road and activate your dating life.
Stay connected, get access to leaders and others in the journey for encouragement, answers, and camaraderie.
This is the cheapest it'll ever be as the price will go up after the sale is over. Whether you pay the presale price or get access via our payment plan of $16.58/mo for 12 months - it's one of the best choices you can make.
It's time to make your move
Are you ready to take steps to upgrade your dating life? Come get equipped with other men to become the man who has what it takes to have a relationship that transforms culture. Take your dating life seriously and let's do this together. Get access to the videos and your date well workbook now. Get healthy, see clearly, and date well.
$199 or $16.58/mo for 12 months
Date Well was developed by a Bethel ministry that has supported and coached hundreds of men and women over the years. Top relationship experts, clinical psychologists, therapists, and trusted pastors, have all helped create Date Well. The development of the program was overseen by a team that has spent many recent years dating and another man who's been happily-married for more than 15 years, providing insight on the self-identity and personal development required to prepare yourself for a thriving relationship and marriage. There is no other holistic online program and community like this one that addresses the internal and practical aspects of singleness and dating from a Christian perspective.
It's up to you. There are 10 core sessions broken up into 3 levels. Each core session is 15-25 minutes long and includes homework for you to do. Different men find they need extra support and counsel at different levels of the process. Take as long or as short as you need, just do the work because it's only when you do will you get the outcome you're looking for.
After you've completed the 10 core sessions, you'll also find Take 10 videos that will be continually added. These are 10 min (or less) videos addressing specific situations men find themselves in while dating. We've crafted some of the most popular from our experience, but new videos will be added as the community needs them. So stay as long as you'd like and keep practicing.
Unfortunately, no. Even professional matchmakers that charge tens-of-thousands of dollars don’t make any guarantees. But what we CAN promise is that the work you will be guided through in Date Well will put you in the best possible position to date in a God-honoring, and self-honoring way, while at the same time taking full advantage of this season of singleness to build your identity and develop the mindset required to call in and sustain a long-term relationship.
Yes, the majority of Date Well is an online community. We do include a physical workbook for you to track along with to do your homework in.
What you do is up to you. All men need support and encouragement along the way. We provide a space for our men to come and share wins, questions, and lend their strength to each other.
We are so confident you'll love Date Well that we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. Join Date Well, then jump into the videos, join us on a live call, hang out in the Date Well Community… and if at any point in your first 14 days you decide the program isn’t for you, just reach out and we’ll offer you a full refund. Done and done.
To this we’ll reply simply: If your heart’s still beating, God’s not done with you yet. Submit to Him; learn to trust Him; root your identity in Christ; equip yourself to pursue His will. We are so excited to watch your story unfold.