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By Abram Goff January 18, 2023
If simply "getting married was your main goal, then you would compromise your character, blow past red flags, and settle for less than God’s best just to achieve your goal. Our goal has to be something bigger, something greater. We need goals and a plan to get there. We're excited to give you a sneak peak of the Date Well Men's program. Check it out on all streaming platforms and join the date well community at
By Katelyn Motsinger December 6, 2022
Post break up, there is a season for mourning. A season for rest. A season to heal. And then there’s a season for self reflection and discovery. Though this time can be rather painful, I have found that this is where God’s wisdom and insight into who He is and who He’s made me to be, sinks in deep.
By Jackie Coban October 11, 2022
Dating apps are proving to be harder to navigate than even a lot of relationships are. There’s a culture to them, a science to them, and in a world where we have so much access at our fingertips to begin with dating apps, especially having multiple apps set up all at once, can be overwhelming, confusing, and even really irritating when we can’t seem to get it right.
By Moral Revolution September 9, 2022
Someone special has caught your eye and freeze. How do you make your move, shoot your shot, take the next step, give it a chance? We're helping you out.
By Debra Fileta June 1, 2022
Whether I could see it or not, and even when I didn’t believe it, God’s plan for my life was unfolding one day at a time. No matter where you’re at in life, when you run after God, you will ALWAYS be running in the right direction.
By Moral Revolution February 4, 2022
For those of us who are in a season of dating, getting to know someone new can seem daunting or overwhelming! Especially with different feelings and flags popping up all over the place. So this week we had Sloane and Abram come up with an important list of red and green flags to keep an eye out for that will help make dating a little easier and prevent a lot of pain and stress in the future.
By Andrea Alley January 5, 2022
If someone doesn’t like you, it’s okay. It’s not who you are, it’s just one guy. It doesn’t mean that no one will ever like you, or that you're unlovable, or not enough. Those are all lies from the enemy. Even if you’ve lost a few games or a few guys, that doesn’t mean you’re unlovable either. It just means you haven’t found the right one yet.
By Moral Revolution December 22, 2021
I can talk to you all day long about the mental and emotional effects of pornography, or pray for your deliverance from the spirit of porn, but if you aren't walking by the spirit as it says in Galatians 6, you will only gratify the desires of your flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are always in conflict with each other. So with that said, here are four important steps to walking in full freedom!
By Andrea Alley December 8, 2021
I’m going to tell you how to win after a breakup. I'm not talking about how to win, like how to egg your ex’s car or slit the tires and get away with it. I'm talking about how to win emotionally. How to win inside your soul.
By Damien Giacchino December 3, 2021
The season of dating is one of the most important seasons of life as it consists of building identity, purpose and a possible desire for marriage. One of the most important decisions outside of Jesus is who you're going to marry, but some people are trying to arrive at the phase of marriage without building the stages of singleness. Join us as we hear Damien Giacchino bring us incredible wisdom on the 5 stages of building towards a Godly marriage.
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